The war between Ukraine and Russia that started almost 6 days ago has pushed Anonymous to react. Since for the moment all the world organizers even if they offered financial support not yet offered physical support. Find out in this article a very important support offered to the Ukrainian government from Anonymous hackers.
Anonymous supports Ukraine in the war
The war that is raging between the two bordering countries, particularly Ukraine and Russia, is not just happening on the ground. This confrontation is also taking place in the digital world. For anonymous hackers announce that they have declared a digital war against the Russian government. As a proof they have already hacked several Russian government websites. Further on, it was reported: "Anonymous is involved in operations against the Russian Federation." They state: Our operations are aimed at the Russian government. It is inevitable that the private sector will also be affected. Anonymous offer support to Ukraine to help it defeat Russia despite the size of its army.
Some evidence of support
In the face of this war, hackers Anonymous have imposed cyberwarfare on the Russian government which has taken down many of their influential and informative sites. This is the case with their RT television channels. Before the war, the Russian government announced according to several sources that they did not fight against civilians. However, the President of Ukraine says that they have already registered more than 500,000 dead citizens. From all the above, in front of the confrontation between Russia and Ukraine, the hackers did not remain silent. They have manifested themselves in their own way to help Ukraine to get out of this war despite the many losses already recorded. However, what is the impact of this war on Russia in economic terms?